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The Easiest, Smartest Marketing Tool for SME's
As a small business owner, you may feel that social media is just another time-consuming task that you can do without. However, the truth is that social media can be a powerful tool for growing your business and reaching new customers.
Just Launched: Sciencer Innovation Podcast Series
Interesting discussions with renowned experts from a wide range of professions, all of whom have made innovation their flagship. Episodes of the Sciencer Innovation Podcast series are now available on YouTube and Spotify!
The Hybrid Modell - How to ensure efficiency?
What exactly is the hybrid working model? How do we ensure that the work gets done - regardless of location? Employee autonomy and the hybrid model in practice.
What is the best practice in a crisis? Survival vs Advanced Mode
We've already discussed the recession in a previous blog post, but as we move forward into the new year, uncertainty keeps growing and until the necessary cost-cutting decisions are made, the future of the business is not yet secure - apart from a moment of relief.
Business Model Canvas: a simple project management tool
What is the Business Model Canvas, what does it look like, what elements does it consist of and how does it support the day-to-day operations of businesses?
All about business planning - launching the new SCIENCER
Your business plans, advisors, innovative ideas and business inspiration: just a hint of what's to come on the Sciencer platform in 2023. Over the past year we have been planning, analyzing and preparing through our business development consultancy projects to present our new tool that can help you not only survive the challenges of 2023, but also gain a competitive advantage.
Strategy Planning for 2023
Companies who start their strategic planning after the new year put themselves at a huge disadvantage. Late planning means that teams and individuals react to the fire drill of the day as opposed to proactively tackling the right set of priorities.When you don’t plan ahead, you lose  valuable selling time and put Q1 at risk. 
Recession Guide 2023
With a downturn in the near future, executives must prepare their companies to weather the storm and to come back stronger once it settles. This may sound like a tall order, but there are some useful tips that leaders in any company, in any industry, can consider to take, in order to prepare for a possible recession in 2023.
Innovation - Where and how to Start?
While it’s entirely possible to innovate on your own, it’s also the far more difficult option. If you’re fortunate enough to work within an organization that promotes development and experimentation, take full advantage of the possibilities afforded and talk things over with others.
How to Manage Transformation in Family-Owned Businesses
Driving change for long-term success.
Management and Project Planning Software Solutions in 2022
Project management is an essential task for every company. Managing tasks, allocation, roles, in respect of deadlines all determine the success of a business.
Business analysis in theory and in practice
Nowadays, business analysis has become one of the primary business policy for all sectors. Business analysis in 2022.
Szervezetfejlesztés mesterfokon: eszközök és módszerek
A szervezetfejlesztés segíti a vállalat hatékonyságának, eredményességének javítását. Innovatív megoldások nyomában.
A jó projektmenedzser ismérvei, tulajdonságai
A projektmenedzser (project manager) feladatai, hatásköre igen szerteágazó. De mi kell ahhoz, hogy valakiből jó projektvezető váljon?
Your Innovation Guide
Competition has increased as a result of wider access to new technologies and the increased trading and knowledge-sharing opportunities, making marketplaces more competitive than ever before.
Innovation makes the Hungarian SME market split
In July 2022 RnD Strategy Kft. together with Kantar Hoffmann international market research firm conducted the last twenty years’ most comprehensive innovation survey which focused on the soft quota region and the main national economic sectors: agriculture, industry, trade and services.
The Art of Leadership
From becoming a better leader to discovering new cost effective marketing tools, entrepreneurs are constantly striving to better themselves, and that’s what sets them apart. Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. 
The One Thing All Businesses NEED - Innovation
For most of us, being innovative means coming up with groundbreaking ideas that lead to huge discoveries and achievements. That’s just the surface. Let’s discover the rest! 
5 Things Great Leaders Do (and Managers Usually Don’t)
Here at Sciencer, we’re all about business development and innovation but we consider company culture and HR just as important when it comes to running a successful business. You can have the most cutting edge technology and all the funding you need if the employees don’t feel good and valued in the environment you provide.
How to Structure your Funding Pitch
An impressive pitch deck is key for acquiring funding and it’s a must if you want to convince an angel investor. Here at Sciencer, we work with our clients to translate and frame their ideas in a way that the conversation with investors can be initiated.
Inflációkalauz - Hatékonyság, Profitmaximalizálás és Piaci Expanzió
Mit tegyen egy vállalkozó, hogy életben tudja tartani cégét és ne járuljon hozzá a tomboló inflációhoz sem? Optimalizálás, innováció, digitalizáció, folyamatmenedzsment - többek közt ezeken dolgozunk ügyfeleinkkel és írunk a blogon is. Az alábbi tanácsokat ugyan nem mi írtuk, de maximálisan egyetértünk velük:
4 Ways to Fund Your Startup as a Solopreneur
While there are several different ways to fund your new business, many options are either expensive, require collateral (such as personal assets), or involve the participation and expectations of other people (friends and family loans, funding from angel investors or venture capital financing).
Sustainability in SME'S
If you are like most businesses out there, you must be wondering how protecting the environment can help your business. There are a LOT of practices that are considered sustainability efforts - but now let’s explore how becoming a sustainable business is actually a profitable move.
TAM SAM SOM - what it means and why it matters
When doing their market analysis start-ups often refer to TAM, SAM, and SOM but what do these acronyms mean and why are they useful to investors when assessing an investment opportunity?
The Great Value of Process Management in Your Business
Team members who represent you and deliver your service are not assets to your business forever, even if they are happy with their work. Although this is not the sole reason why you should consider process management when it comes to your business and its operations.
Basics and Methods of Market Research that will Help You Elevate Your Business
Today's consumers have a lot of power. They can research your product or service and make purchase decisions entirely on their own. With this in mind, have you adapted your marketing strategy to complement the way today's consumers research and shop?
Why You Need Strategic Planning in Your Organization
With strategic planning, businesses identify their strengths and weaknesses, choose what not to do, and determine which opportunities should be pursued. In sales operations, having a clearly defined strategy will help your organization plan for the future, set viable goals, and achieve them.
12 ways to improve employee satisfaction
High levels of employee happiness in the workplace help to avoid employee burnout and keep employees motivated to excel in their roles. Most companies have no problem understanding the concept of employee satisfaction, but many struggle to see why it’s so important and how to keep employee satisfaction high.
What are the advantages of an Agile Team and why you should consider building one
An Agile team is a cross-functional group of people that have everything, and everyone, necessary to produce a working, tested increment of product. These are dedicated people to the team, and as a rule, they are not being moved between or across teams as demands change.
How to find, hire and keep great employees engaged
One person can invent an idea on his own, or even transform it into a successful business. Most of the time, however, the tasks of running a business eventually become too overwhelming for the entrepreneur to manage alone. Inevitably, the head of the business will need to hire a team which consists of the best people who share his vision and help him to achieve his entrepreneurial goals.
How to increase prices and not lose your customers (at the same time)
Let’s face it: The cost of running a business is higher than ever. Everyone deals with supply chain issues, labor shortages and inflation. Companies now need to balance these increases to protect their margins and to decide whether to pass these higher costs on to customers.
How Customer Satisfaction Leads to Growth in Your Business
Never underestimate the power of word of mouth. You can go to great lengths spending a generous amount of your budget on marketing - your customers will share their experiences, good or bad.
SME trends in 2022
What are the new impacts on the SME sector and what trends will dominate in 2022? How can a business - in addition to surviving - thrive in Hungary and globally today?
Back to Basics - The Startup
Startups are businesses that aim to revolutionize and disrupt industries and possibly change the world for the better.
How To Scale Your Business?
When entering the market for the first time, most companies are focused on survival. Prioritizing the growth of your business is one of the best ways to increase the chances that your company will not only last but also provide you with a stable economic and financial future.
How to build up a strong corporate identity
Today a strong corporate identity is essential for companies to have a strong corporate bond, both internally and externally. In this article you will learn what makes a corporate identity strong and how you can ensure a strong corporate identity in your company.
10+ Types of Diagrams and How to Choose the Right One
You’ve probably heard of and seen bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, and perhaps you’ve even used them to visualize data in your infographics and reports. But what do you do if the information you want to share with others is not numeric? This information may be different from numeric data but that doesn’t mean you can’t visualize it! It does mean that you will likely use some type of diagram.
Promoting innovation in established SME's
Innovation is a key driver of productivity and long-term growth and can help solve social challenges at the lowest possible cost.
Statistics on innovation – What do the numbers tell us?
There’s quite a bit of data that we’re going to go through in this article, so we’ve broken the most interesting findings from more than 10 studies down into a number of different areas.
Success factors for innovation
Here are seven success factors that we’ve seen a quantitative evidence for, in addition to seeing them work in practice:
How to find a great advisor for your startup
If your objective is to grow international with your startup, you need to find the right person to advise and mentor you. If you look for someone to actually help you steer your venture, rather than just drop words of wisdom, try using the following pointers in selecting the right people. 
The Lean Startup Approach
The lean startup approach for developing new products or businesses has become popular among companies and entrepreneurs. But what can you do to make this approach effective in practice?
Convergent and divergent thinking. Which one facilitates innovation?
Technology is evolving at an unprecedent pace, and bold industry leaders are constantly inventing new ways of communicating, collaborating, and doing meaningful work. In this business context, cultivating a team of innovative thinkers is more vital than ever.
What You Need To Know Before Starting A Startup
Entrepreneurs once had the luxury of setting strategies and slowly tinkering to perfect them—but not anymore.